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Plymouth, MA, Plymouth, MA (KPYM)

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Plymouth, MA

A wonderful airport in a thriving aviation community located in a waterfront town perfect for everybody! - Submitted by Paul A.
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100LL Aircraft Parts Aircraft Rental
ATM Avgas Avionics
Complimentary Coffee Computerized Weather FBO
Fishing Flight Planning Room Flight Training
Food Hangar Leasing/Sales Hangar Space
Hangars Hotels Near Airport JET-A
Kitchen Lodging Maintenance
Museum Pilot Lounge Restrooms
Self Serve 100LL Sightseeing Terminal/Lounge
Tiedowns Transportation Vending Machines
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Plymouth Muni (PYM)

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Latitude: 41-54-31.0207N
Longitude: 070-43-39.6653W
Elevation: 148
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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246 South Meadow Road
Plymouth, MA
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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GHG Marshfield Muni - George Harlow Field Marshfield, MA
New York 13 miles
TAN Taunton Muni - King Field Taunton, MA
New York 15 miles
1M8 Myricks Berkley, MA
New York 16 miles
EWB New Bedford Rgnl New Bedford, MA
New York 20 miles
2B1 Cape Cod Marston Mills, MA
New York 23 miles
5B6 Falmouth Airpark Falmouth, MA
New York 24 miles
1B9 Mansfield Muni Mansfield, MA
New York 25 miles
HYA Barnstable Muni-Boardman/polando Field Hyannis, MA
New York 28 miles
PVC Provincetown Muni Provincetown, MA
New York 28 miles
OWD Norwood Memorial Norwood, MA
New York 30 miles
BOS General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl Boston, MA
New York 34 miles
MVY Martha'S Vineyard Vineyard Haven, MA
New York 36 miles
PVD Theodore Francis Green State Providence, RI
New York 38 miles
UUU Newport State Newport, RI
New York 39 miles
SFZ North Central State Pawtucket, RI
New York 39 miles
1B2 Katama Airpark Edgartown, MA
New York 39 miles
CQX Chatham Muni Chatham, MA
New York 41 miles
OQU Quonset State North Kingstown, RI
New York 41 miles
1B6 Hopedale Industrial Park Hopedale, MA
New York 42 miles
BVY Beverly Rgnl Beverly, MA
New York 48 miles
BED Laurence G Hanscom Fld Bedford, MA
New York 48 miles
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Plymouth, MA - Uploaded by Mike - Copyright Holder: Mike

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