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Albert Whitted Airport, St. Petersburg, FL (SPG)

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Albert Whitted Airport

Albert Whitted Airport is located on the Tampa Bay waterfront in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. Within walking distance or a short cab ride away are at least a day or two of unique museums, attractions, resorts, hotels, bed and breakfasts, antiques. - Submitted by Mike Smith
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Video Created by St. Petersburg, FL

100LL Flight Planning Room Food
Hangar Space JET-A Office Space
Pilot Lounge Rental Cars Shade Hangars
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Email: frontdesk@spflying.com
Phone: 727-209-0180
Airport Information:
Albert Whitted (SPG)

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Latitude: 27-45-54.4000N
Longitude: 082-37-37.1000W
Elevation: 6
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A1
CTAF: 127.4
Unicom: 122.95

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540 First Street Southeast
St. Petersburg, FL
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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7/19/2023 - St Petersburg has a Great bus service that will carry you to several places in Mid Town and even out to the beach area. There is a bus stop for the Sun Runner just a short walk from the FBO at Albert Whitted. Plus the people working at Albert Whitted are some of the nicest people I've met while flying. They parked me almost right at the front door in my Arrow when I flew in and then parked my airplane and tied it down after I unloaded my bags. This was even after I had used self service to refuel. Great Airport! Interesting approch over Tampa Bay. - Submitted by Ken Garner

1/14/2023 - Took my first 5 flying lessons at Albert Whitted winter of 1968/69. But couldn't afford to finish my ticket until 13 years later. - Submitted by Jim Rogers

1/3/2022 - Nice place, we go once every few months to catch breakfast with local friends. Not sure why a ramp fee to go eat at the FBO. Food is good but pricy as airports go. - Submitted by CT

7/27/2020 - My son and I flew in to SPG to have lunch at the restaurant. I taxied up in C172 was met by two line guys that treated me like I was in a G4 nice friendly staff, paid ramp fee of $5.00 and went upstairs had a nice lunch at the restaurant highly recommended.
- Submitted by Chris Repp

12/11/2017 - Nice place. Food good. $5 landing fee. Some of us just go some where else for lunch. - Submitted by frred

6/23/2013 - Great place to fly. Great runway, friendly staff and walking distance to all kinds of food and fun. - Submitted by Shane Burdett

11/20/2012 - The good airport should possess the successful location, pleasant service for comfortable expectation of the flight and a wide range of carried-out flights. Thus popularity of this or that airport is reflected in its passenger traffic. Flight can sometimes be late for the various reasons and then the staff of the airport should provide you with food, drinks, a comfortable restroom in which you without special problems can wait the flight. http://www.law-us.blogspot.com/ - Submitted by Caleb Grant

6/28/2012 - Albert Whitted is a great fly in destination to watch the Tampa Bay Rays play. The FBO has a great restaurant and will provide rides to the ballpark. If you want to stretch your legs, the park is an easy 10 minute walk from the FBO. This airport is the reason that you got your pilots license. - Submitted by Jim

4/8/2012 - The new Dali museum is just a very short walk from the main terminal. I have never been charged a ramp fee for eating at the Hangar too. - Submitted by John P.

2/2/2012 - Stopped in for lunch in Jan. Food was great fbo did not charge ramp fee for lunch. Great view. - Submitted by Ron keating

9/20/2011 - Whitted Airport now has a nice restaurant on the field, with interesting menu ions - Submitted by john nadon

2/19/2011 - Very nice and fun place for a day out flying. The restaurant was excellent, however, unlike some have mentioned, the FBO didn't waive the 15 ramp fee for eating at the Hangar. You must purchase at least 5 gal of fuel as we found out today... Other than that, it was a great experience. - Submitted by Albert

1/1/2011 - New Years Day. My passengers and I were very impressed with the overall experience of flying into SPG and eating at theHangar resturant. The food and serve was very good ,the prices fair and the view great from the balcony. Also the fact the FBOwill wave the ramp fee for a small fuel or food purchase is great. - Submitted by sam kurtz

10/6/2010 - The Albert Whitted Airport SPG in downtown St. Petersburg has a great restaurant in the new terminal called The Hanger. The food is excellent and the view even better. Full service FBO also on the field. - Submitted by Ian Murphy

8/7/2010 - There is a new restaurant on the field with a great view of the airport and Tampa Bay. The food is good and the setting rather nice for an airport restaurant. The flight in has spectacular sights. - Submitted by John Nadon

4/8/2010 - The Hangar restaurant opening April 12th, 2010 on the 2nd floor of the FBO.
http://thehangarstpete.com - Submitted by Emilio

10/18/2007 - St. Pete Air Fest is Oct 20-21. The Airport is closed from 12-4 for the airshow.
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All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Albert Whitted Airport - Uploaded by Bubba

GPS RWY 7 - Uploaded by Richard Westmoreland

View from The Pier. - Uploaded by Shane Burdett

Coming in for a landing. - Uploaded by John Lewe

Albert Whitted Airport - Uploaded by Pat O'Brien

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