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Fly to KBVO - Eat at Dink's BBQ, Bartlesville, OK (KBVO)

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Fly to KBVO - Eat at Dink's BBQ

Bartlesville, OK has long been the home of Phillips Petroleum, as in Phillips 66. Bartlesville Municipal Airport KBVO is home to a great FBO, Bartlesville Aviation. The terminal building is super clean and modern and they have multiple courtesy cars availability for use. They may ask that you buy fuel to use a car, which is understandable, but you probably won't mind since their price for 100LL is very reasonable.

Use the courtesy car to drive 3-ish miles into town to Dink's Barbecue. They've been around since 1982, and Dink's smoked meats are legitimate - I believe them to be among the best in Oklahoma. Dink's Famous BBQ - Submitted by Steve Smith
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100LL Courtesy Car(s)
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Bartlesville Muni (BVO)

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Latitude: 36-45-48.1000N
Longitude: 096-00-40.3000W
Elevation: 716
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.825

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Bartlesville, OK
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