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Sunriver Resort, Sunriver, OR (S21)

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Sunriver Resort

Located on the dry side of the Cascade Mountain range, Sunriver Resort offers a unique vacation experience for all ages. For a memorable golf outing, quality family vacation, that important corporate meeting, or a memorable Oregon wedding, our facilities and services remain unmatched!

Sunriver Airport, Elevation - 4156 ft, Unicom - 122.8, VOR/DME RWY 18, Paved Runway - 5,500 ft long, 70 ft wide, Taxiway - 4,500 ft long, 30 ft wide, Lighting - Lighted windtree and rotating beacon operate continually from dusk till dawn. V.A.S.I. RW 18 and runway lights are pilot controlled 5X 122.8, Parking - Will accommodate 170 aircraft. Sixteen of those spaces specifically designed for multi-engine piston and jet aircraft. Fuel - 100LL and Jet A. Most oils available. - Submitted by RV8iator
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Video Created by SunriverResort

100LL Hangars JET-A
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Email: info@sunriver-resort.com
Phone: 800 801-8765
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Sunriver (S21)

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Latitude: 43-52-34.7000N
Longitude: 121-27-11.0000W
Elevation: 4163
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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17600 Center Drive
Sunriver, OR
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10/28/2022 - S21 AWOS 128.325
541 593-4623 - Submitted by Hutchinson Hutch

3/27/2022 - WX AWOS 128.325
541 593-4623 - Submitted by MICHAEL HUTCHINSON
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Klamath Falls 30 miles
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Klamath Falls 39 miles
5S5 Lake Billy Chinook State Culver, OR
Seattle 45 miles
8S3 Santiam Junction State Santiam Junction, OR
Klamath Falls 46 miles
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Ranch Cabin 9 Sunriver, within walking distance of the tie downs. - Uploaded by Jim

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