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Mid America Flight Museum, Mt. Pleasant, TX (KOSA)

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Mid America Flight Museum

Mid America Flight Museum is home to Historical Air Tours. They are dedicated to keeping a fleet of historically important aircraft in flying condition. They fly often and they love to take veterans flying in aircraft such as the C-47 DC-3 that participated in the D-Day invasion. They have many aircraft including a Corsair, P-51 Mustang, Ford Tri-motor received strafing damage during Pearl Harbor, Lockheed Lodestar, Cessna 305, A-26 Invader, B-25 Bomber, Staggerwing, T-6 Texan, T-28, Curtis Robin, Travel Air 4000 and 6000, Stearman, Gruman Albatross, Stinsons, Howards, Fairchilds, and many more. When not flying out to various events to give not sell rides, they spend weekends flying around the Mt. Pleasant area. Get to know them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251168944918650/ - Submitted by Ben Scarborough
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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Mount Pleasant Rgnl (OSA)

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Latitude: 33-05-48.8000N
Longitude: 094-57-42.3000W
Elevation: 364
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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Mt. Pleasant, TX
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12/9/2015 - I'm new to the East Texas area and didn't know about your museum until now. I have a small homebuilt airplane Mini-max hangared at Wills Point and I will fly over for a visit. - Submitted by Dick Rake
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Dallas-Ft Worth 18 miles
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Dallas-Ft Worth 21 miles
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Memphis 28 miles
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Dallas-Ft Worth 35 miles
SLR Sulphur Springs Muni Sulphur Springs, TX
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6F7 Manning Field Jefferson, TX
Memphis 40 miles
3F9 Mineola Wisener Field Mineola, TX
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Memphis 44 miles
24F Cypress River Jefferson, TX
Memphis 45 miles
PRX Cox Field Paris, TX
Dallas-Ft Worth 47 miles
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Mid America Flight Museum - Uploaded by Mike

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