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Barnstormers Grill, Williamson, GA (GA2)

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Barnstormers Grill

Barnstormers Grill Tuesday through Thursday 11:30 - 9:00. Friday 11:30 - 9:30 Saturday 8:00 - 9:30 Sunday Buffet 11-3. Offers dining at a Grass Field with vintage aircraft. Museum on site located in the hangar of the restaurant. Check out PeachStateAero.com - Submitted by Brad Hatcher
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100LL Hangars Maintenance
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Contact Information:
Email: barnstormersgril@bellsouth.net
Phone: 7702279989
Airport Information:
Alexander Memorial (GA2)

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Latitude: 33-11-00.4310N
Longitude: 084-22-17.7250W
Elevation: 926
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.72

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349 Jonathan's Roost RD
Williamson, GA
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1/20/2014 - Nice place to fly. Very good food and nice museum. - Submitted by Rick Abercrombie
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
6A2 Griffin-Spalding County Griffin, GA
Atlanta 6 miles
3RU Rust Airstrip Woolsey, GA
Atlanta 10 miles
HMP Henry County Airport Hampton, GA
Atlanta 14 miles
FFC Atlanta Rgnl Falcon Field Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 17 miles
OPN Thomaston-Upson County Thomaston, GA
Atlanta 17 miles
CCO Newnan Coweta County Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 25 miles
5A9 Roosevelt Memorial Warm Springs, GA
Atlanta 25 miles
ATL Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta Intl Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 31 miles
PIM Harris County Pine Mountain, GA
Atlanta 38 miles
FTY Fulton County Airport-Brown Field Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 42 miles
LGC Lagrange-Callaway Lagrange, GA
Atlanta 42 miles
6A1 Butler Muni Butler, GA
Atlanta 43 miles
CVC Covington Muni Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 43 miles
PDK Dekalb-Peachtree Atlanta, GA
Atlanta 48 miles
All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Barnstormers Grill - Uploaded by Mike Watson

See the planes take off and land, have a great meal and visit the FREE Candler Field Museum. - Uploaded by Lara Kaufmann

Great Food! Nice place! - Uploaded by Lara Kaufmann

LASER Pilot Stuff!

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