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Southern Museum of Flight, Birmingham, AL (BHM)

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Southern Museum of Flight

From their website: The Southern Museum of flight presents civilian, military, and experimental aircraft and memorabilia from the earliest history of powered flight. The museum houses over 90 aircraft, as well as engines, models, artifacts, and paintings. In addition, the Southern Museum of Flight is home to the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame with over 70 biographical plaques presenting Alabama aviation history through collective biography.

Allow at least a couple of hours to tour the museum. Highlights for us included the Lake Murray B-25 exhibit including the preserved fuselage on display, an original Delta Air Lines Huff-Daland crop duster, and the Soviet Mi-24 Hind helicopter.

Park at Atlantic East. The museum is less than 1 mile from the FBO but I probably would not walk it because of the neighborhood. Atlantic should be able to run you over to the museum, or call the museum ahead of time as they may be able to pick you up if they have someone available. Admission is 7 for adults, or 5 for AAA members. - Submitted by Vin Rampey
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Video Created by Elizabeth Grady

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Phone: 205 833-8226
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Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Intl (BHM)

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Latitude: 33-33-50.0000N
Longitude: 086-45-08.3000W
Elevation: 650
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
Unicom: 122.95

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4343 73rd St N
Birmingham, AL
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7/20/2014 - The museum is excellent and well worth the time to visit. Check out the new Shadow Gallery, The Art of Intelligence exhibit. It is a clone of the CIA Art Gallery at Langley. You might want to call Atlantic East FBO and try to work out something to avoid their ramp fee. - Submitted by Jim Griffin
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Atlanta 48 miles
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Atlanta 49 miles
02A Chilton County Clanton, AL
Atlanta 50 miles
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Southern Museum of Flight - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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