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Apache Pass, Rockdale, TX (4XA4)

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Apache Pass

Apache Pass is in Downtown Texas, www.DowntownTexas.com, is a new unincorporated community here in the population middle of Texas. There is a restaurant under construction by the airpark and two new RV parks one on the river. The Apache Pass River Theatre and pavilion is on the banks of the San Gabriel River and it has the longest Indiana Jones type skybridge in the continental United States which is a few hundred yards of the airpark and restaurant.

The area is rich in history and you can view the history link on their website www.apachepass.com. The restaurant is decorated with an American Indian motiff showcasing artifacts found here in the Spanish Mission area. It also has a tee pee inside for the smaller folks to dine. It is also on the newly designated El Camino Real de los Tejas which is a National Historic Trail.

If you would like to be added to our newsletter telling of our grand opening and subsequent fly-ins send us your confidential email to: apachepass@tex1.net I am the owner and I and/or we will not give out your email addressed period. Lots to see! Thanks to Fun Places to Fly for posting, Kit Worley - Submitted by Kit Worley
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Email: apachepass@tex1.net
Phone: 512-446-3211
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Apache Pass (4XA4)

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Latitude: 30-41-00.7900N
Longitude: 097-08-36.1600W
Elevation: 410

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9112 N. FM 908
Rockdale, TX
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6/7/2015 - Apache Pass is in Downtown Texas,Texas www.DowntownTexas.com, a new unincorporated community here in the population middle of Texas. There is an Icehouse / Steakhouse open T.F.S.S @ 4:30 by the airpark and two new RV parks one on the river. The Apache Pass Event Center and pavilion is on the banks of the San Gabriel River which has the longest Indiana Jones type skybridge in the continental United States which is a few hundred yards of the airpark and Steakhouse. The area is rich in history and you can view Facebook: Apache Pass for upcoming events. The area is decorated with an American Indian motif showcasing artifacts found here in the Spanish Mission area. It is also on the newly designated El Camino Real de los Tejas which is a National Historic Trail. If you would like to be added to our newsletter telling of upcoming events and fly-ins send us your confidential email to: apachepass@tex1.net Lots to see! Thanks to Fun Places to Fly for posting. Identifier: 4XA4 - Submitted by Kit Worley

2/19/2011 - I visited Downtown Texas last weekend. It is otherwise known as Apache Pass, located out near Rockdale. As an aviator, I went out there to take a look at their grass airstrip and a classic plane I was interested in buying. Lo-and-behold, when I got there I discovered that they had a couple of RV parks set up with full amenities. There's also a natural amphitheater down by the river San Gabriel with a large stage across the river from it. They have constructed a 300' Indiana Jones-style suspension bridge across the river, which, according to the land owner, is the longest of its type in North America. A restaurant is in the near stages of completion. The list of things to do and see goes on. The history surrounding the area is incredible!
- Submitted by Greg H

2/12/2011 - Restaurant is to open maybe March 2011. Will post on Fun Places to Fly. Air Nav corridents are off and this has become a problem. Someone please help correct this error or at least advise of how we can. Google Earth coordinates are:
N. 30-41-12
W. 97-08-31
Thanks, Kit - Submitted by Kit Worley

7/7/2010 - As the gentelman said, we are not open for business yet and when we are the under construction issues will be correct although we have used the runway for several years for our private and friends aircraft and it has worked fine. The hangers on the north end are not part of the runway, which will be defined when open for restaurant flyin business. Airnav has dipicted the wrong coordinates and we have posted the new ones of N- 30.41.12 W-97.08.31 - Submitted by Kit

7/6/2010 - Update: Restaurant is scheduled to be open by August 15, 2010. Please check website for exact opening date. Identifier 4XA4. Google Earth coordinates for Apache Pass Airpark: N. 30-41-12 / W. 97-08-31. Some data base coordinates are incorrect. Google Earth coordinates are correct. - Submitted by Kit

6/22/2010 - This place has potential but it's not ready yet. The turf / gravel strip is ill defined needs mowing and in poor condition. Several hangers are built too close to the North end and the coordinates listed on airnav are about 4 miles off. Glad I checked google earth before going. Like I said, the place appears to have great potential. The under construction restaurant looks like they're really going all out and the surrounding property is beautiful. I'll give them another try in the future. - Submitted by Robert Horton
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Apache Pass - Uploaded by Dave

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