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STEARMAN AIRFIELD Bar & Grill, Benton, KS (1K1)

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Stearman Airfield Bar & Grill in Benton, KS. Call us at (316) 778-1612. Check out our location and hours, and latest menu with photos and reviews. - Submitted by Mike
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Email: reservations@stearmanbarandgrill.com
Phone: 316-778-1612
Airport Information:
Lloyd Stearman Field (1K1)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 37-46-28.0000N
Longitude: 097-06-47.6000W
Elevation: 1364
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123.075
Unicom: 123.075

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14789 SW 30th St
Benton, KS
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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8/16/2020 - Air Nav has this as 510675 foot, King airs and Jets land here - Submitted by Peter McConnell

11/9/2017 - Runway is now 5,100 feet paved - Submitted by Kyle Edwards

6/4/2017 - Don't order the chicken fried steak unless you are REALLY hungry. My 10 year old daughter ordered it and it was bigger than her face! Great food and atmosphere. - Submitted by Mark Ford

10/30/2016 - The paved runway is now 5106 ft. - Submitted by Alex Marquardt

3/21/2016 - This place is a Wichita staple. The restaurant is right next to the runway and when it's warm I recommend sitting outside. I take people here all the time to watch planes fly in and out as we eat. - Submitted by Barry

2/10/2015 - 5101 X 75. Runway, Restaurant 7 days a week, 24 hour fuel - Submitted by Dwayne Clemens

1/28/2015 - Brand new fully furnished Condo's that can be rented by the night located right on the field. Fly in, eat a great meal and stay the night, a few days, or a month. Call Mike at 316-641-5000 or go to Airsharesllc.com for more details. - Submitted by Michael Cranston

7/3/2014 - 5,106 foot runway - Submitted by Jim

8/3/2013 - We have a great restaurant here at Steerman Field!!! open 7am-10pm daily. extended runway now for jets!! great place to fly in to have a meal! - Submitted by Gary Goeller

6/22/2011 - There have been significant up-grades to 1K1 Benton airport. The grass landing strip is still 2600', but the asphalt parallel runway is over 5000' long and 60'wide, which will accommodate business jet traffic now, with a newly remodeled and enlarged bar / restaurant area which opens into a covered patio and entertainment stage. FYI- Fly-in there this weekend also. June 25, 2011 - Submitted by G. Dombaugh

5/13/2011 - Your information on Benton, KS Airport needs d. It has changed names, added a restaraunt, and has had several major inprovements. Thanks, Marshall - Submitted by Marshall

6/23/2010 - Runway 5100ft, new restaurant open 7days a week 7am till 12pm
Stearman Field Bar an Grill 316-778-1612 - Submitted by Dwayne Clemens

3/25/2010 - Great new cafe! Awesome cheeseburgers! - Submitted by Dawn

11/4/2009 - New Airport Cafe opens Jan 1st 2010, New 5100 ft runway. - Submitted by Dwayne Clemens

10/18/2009 - Stearman Field has 5100ft Runway now and we have a new grass runway and sprinkler system. New Airport Cafe coming soon. - Submitted by Dwayne Clemens

5/11/2009 - Benton has lengthened their runway. I'm not sure exactly how long. somewhere in the 4600 - 5200' length I think. Have to check the sectional - Submitted by Dallas

9/11/2008 - NEW 4600 ft Runway, Lowest 100LL and JET A in KANSAS,

11/13/2004 - Benton Airpark, the best hangout airport around wichita,,, fun fun
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NEW 4600ft RUNWAY, Lowest price 100LL and JET-A in KANSAS - Uploaded by dclem0711

June 09, Flyin,, P51 in formation with 3 T6s - Uploaded by Dwayne Clemens

STEARMAN AIRFIELD Bar Grill - Uploaded by Mike

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