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Brokenstraw - Pittsfield, PA

Awesome place to fly into! I well maintained grass strip situated in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. The owners have a small cabin they let pilots stay in for free or you can pitch a tent by there fire pit. To check out more of the airport and the surrounding area take a look at the video I made of my trip! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dwLHu9YPuw - Submitted by Garrett DeMeyer

Butter Valley Golf Port - Bally, PA

Located in rural Berks County, PA Butter Valley Golf Port is a unique flying destination. Runway 34 is 1,535' X 24' and paved. Rwy 16 is a 2,420' X 85' turf. Take off and landings are right through the middle of the 18 hole golf course. Bring your clubs and make a day of it! - Submitted by rcressman

Cherry Ridge Restaurant - Honesdale, PA

The Lane Family has been in the restaurant business a long time. Sunday Breakfast Buffet every Sunday from 8am-12pm $9.99 ALL YOU CAN EAT featuring mini omelets, ham, sausage, pork roll, home fries, french toast sticks, waffle sticks, coffee or tea, pancakes and eggs, scrambled, up, or over made to order. - Submitted by Davidson

Cook Forest State Park - Shippenville, PA

Gateway Lodge, surrounded by Cook Forest, is truly a resort for all seasons. Recreational activities are abundant year-round, bird watching, hiking, summer theatre, bicycling, canoeing, inner tubing, horseback riding, golf, fishing, hunting, cross country skiing, ice skating, and snowmobiling. Great weekend getaway, 20 minutes drive from Clarion Airport. - Submitted by FunPlacesToFly.com Member

EAA Chapter 240 - Toughkenamon, PA

EAA Chapter 240 is an active community of aviation enthusiasts, promoting general aviation, offering educational workshops and sponsoring young pilots. Members have monthly flying excursions to places of interest. Based at New Garden Flying Field N57 in eastern Pennsylvania our Hangar, Workshop and Club Room are first-class and well utilized for the many aviation events, workshops and aircraft construction projects undertaken by our members. We have three aircraft being worked on, including the Chapter restoration of a PA-22. Visitors are always welcome, come see grass-roots aviation at its best! - Submitted by Mike Parry

Eddies Footlong Hot Dogs - Meadville, PA

Short walk to the end of Port Road is Eddies footlong hot dogs Has been a local eating place for over 70 years. Open spring to Labor day. After your hot dog walk across the street to Casey's ice cream. - Submitted by Ronald Kline

Elbow Street Aviation - Greenville, PA

Greenville Municipal Airport is located near Pymatuning State Park and Conneaut Lake, both are hotbeds of tourist activity year-round. Fishing is great on both lakes along with hiking, hunting, and boating during the summer. Ice-fisherman abound on Conneaut Lake during the winter alongside the snowmobilers. The FBO has a courtesy van and sells avgas, pilot supplies and is home to the best mechanic in the area. Lots of unique aircraft are based there such as a Stearman, WWI aircraft and plenty of Piper Cubs. And the locals won't hestitate to stop working and chat about flying for a while. Make sure you're not in a hurry because you'll want to stay and visit all day. Grease it in on the paved runway or settle in on the manicured grass strip. - Submitted by Max Hebert

Fallingwater - Connellsville, PA

Frank Lloyd Wright's famous mountain home that he designed for the Kaufmann family (of department store fame.) As a home designer and builder as well as a pilot, this 1-1/2 flight in a C-172 from Ashland, Ohio was exciting. I had wanted to visit Fallingwater for a long time and was not disappointed. The tours are very well conducted. Visit their website for details.Fayett County Aviation at VVS has a friendly staff and a courtesy van (They give no false impressions of the appearance or reliability of the van) The van wasn't available the day I was finally able to go so one of the people there lent me their personal vehicle asking only that I put gas in it. (Did I say they were friendly?!) Fallingwater is about a 20 minute drive from the airport. There are also an Enterprize and a Country motors nearby both of which will bring a rental car to the airport. We stopped for lunch at a bar and grill place along US RT 40/119 (No beer for me of course!) called The Braddock Inn. Good food. - Submitted by FunPlacesToFly.com Member

Fiorentino's Restaraunt - Lititz, PA

Really nice restaurant. Right in the terminal. Most people drive there. Open Monday - Thursday: 11am - 10pm, Friday & Saturday: 11am - 11pm, Sunday: 11am - 9pm. - Submitted by Tom

Golden Age Air Museum - Bethel, PA

At the foot of the Blue Mountain ridge. in scenic Berks County Pennsylvania, the hands of time have been turned back to the days of Barnstormers. The Golden Age Air Museum is a living museum dedicated to preserving aviation's golden past. The 'Golden Age of Aviation' is the two decades between the great world wars, the roaring 1920's and the fabulous 1930's. The museum's concentration is this glorious time that included the birth of the barnstormer, airmail, flying circuses and the first airlines. The museum also features displays of automobiles and aircraft from man's first desire to fly up through the 1940's. - Submitted by foxflyer

Grand Canyon of PA - Wellsboro, PA

The grand canyon of PA is a wonderful day or weekend trip. It boasts tremendous views, hiking, fishing, biking, canoeing, horseback riding, and shopping in the quaint historic town of Wellsboro. Leonard Harrison State Park boasts camping and trails along and down into the waterfall laden canyon. Pinecreek Outfitters offers canoe trips, rafting and bike rentals as well as pickup after your 20 mile trip down the canyon in company with river otters and bald eagles. Stay overnight at Pinafore Run Farm BB and take a swim in the lake after you hike. They also offer a crew car for your use. - Submitted by Chuck Gilligan

Great town and attractions - Wellsboro, PA

Wellsboro is a charming town with lots of attractions, including the Grand Canyon of the east, two state parks, a national level road rallye, famous Wellsboro diner, and more. Memorial day and Labor day they a great, well attended fly-in breakfast.Also check out Pinafore Run Farm B & B. - Submitted by Jerry Johnson
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