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Elbow Street Aviation, Greenville, PA (4G1)

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Elbow Street Aviation

Greenville Municipal Airport is located near Pymatuning State Park and Conneaut Lake, both are hotbeds of tourist activity year-round. Fishing is great on both lakes along with hiking, hunting, and boating during the summer. Ice-fisherman abound on Conneaut Lake during the winter alongside the snowmobilers. The FBO has a courtesy van and sells avgas, pilot supplies and is home to the best mechanic in the area. Lots of unique aircraft are based there such as a Stearman, WWI aircraft and plenty of Piper Cubs. And the locals won't hestitate to stop working and chat about flying for a while. Make sure you're not in a hurry because you'll want to stay and visit all day. Grease it in on the paved runway or settle in on the manicured grass strip. - Submitted by Max Hebert
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Contact Information:
Email: g4@1leobswrtee.tocm
Phone: 724-588-1665
Airport Information:
Greenville Muni (4G1)

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Latitude: 41-26-48.3592N
Longitude: 080-23-28.3083W
Elevation: 1206
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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511 East Jamestown Road
Greenville, PA
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Elbow Street Aviation - Uploaded by David

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