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Batten Intl Wisconsin - RAC


Batten International
Racine, Wisconsin

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: RAC
Latitude/Longitude: 42-45-40.2000N / 087-48-50.1000W
42.7611 / -87.8139
Elevation: 673 feet MSL (Surveyed)
Magnetic Variation: 02W (1995)
Land Area Covered: 467 acres
From City: 2 nautical miles NW of Racine, WI
County/Parish: Racine, WI
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Public
Activiation Date: 1/1/1941 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Chicago
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Chicago Center (ZAU)
FSS: Green Bay Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: ALL/MON-FRI/0700-1700, ALL/SAT SUN/0800-1700
Wind Indicator: Yes - Lighted
Segmented Circle: No
Lights: See Rmk
Beacon: White-Green (lighted land airport)
International Operations: No
Landing Fee: No
Unicom: 123.075
CTAF: 123.075
Fuel available: 100LL Jet-A
Airframe Repair: Major
Power Plant Repair: Major
Bottled oxygen: None
Bulk oxygen: None
Runway Information:
Runway: 04/22
Dimensions: 6574 x 100 ft.
Surface: Portland cement concrete - in good condition
Surface Treatment: Saw-cut or plastic groove
Weight Bearing Capacity:
Single wheel: 50 K lbs.
Double wheel: 65 K lbs.
Runway Edge Lights: High intensity
Runway: 14/32
Dimensions: 4422 x 100 ft.
Surface: Asphalt - in fair condition
Weight Bearing Capacity:
Single wheel: 25 K lbs.
Double wheel: 35 K lbs.
Runway Edge Lights: Medium intensity
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Racine Commercial Aprt Corp.
3239 N. Green Bay Rd
Racine, WI 53404
Manager: David Mann
3239 N. Green Bay Rd
Racine, WI 53404
Sectional Map:
    Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
    C89 Sylvania Sturtevant, WI - Public Chicago 8 miles
    84C Valhalla North Cape, WI - Public Chicago 12 miles
    ENW Kenosha Rgnl Kenosha, WI - Public Chicago 13 miles
    MKE General Mitchell Intl Milwaukee, WI - Public Chicago 14 miles
    62C Cindy Guntly Memorial Franksville, WI - Public Chicago 15 miles
    96C Fox River Rochester, WI - Public Chicago 22 miles
    49C Camp Lake Camp Lake, WI - Public Chicago 24 miles
    UGN Waukegan Rgnl Chicago/waukegan, IL - Public Chicago 24 miles
    BUU Burlington Muni Burlington, WI - Public Chicago 25 miles
    5K6 Westosha Wilmot, WI - Public Chicago 26 miles
    MWC Lawrence J Timmerman Milwaukee, WI - Public Chicago 27 miles
    57C East Troy Muni East Troy, WI - Public Chicago 28 miles
    UES Waukesha County Waukesha, WI - Public Chicago 29 miles
    02C Capitol Brookfield, WI - Public Chicago 29 miles
    C02 Grand Geneva Resort Lake Geneva, WI - Public Chicago 31 miles
    C81 Campbell Grayslake, IL - Public Chicago 33 miles
    10C Galt Field Greenwood/wonder Lake, IL - Public Chicago 38 miles
    88C Palmyra Muni Palmyra, WI - Public Chicago 41 miles
    C59 Lake Lawn Delavan, WI - Public Chicago 41 miles
    PWK Chicago Executive Chicago/prospect Heights/wheeling, IL - Public Chicago 45 miles
    7V3 Big Foot Airfield Walworth, WI - Public Chicago 46 miles
    3CK Lake In The Hills Chicago/lake In The Hills, IL - Public Chicago 46 miles
    ETB West Bend Muni West Bend, WI - Public Chicago 48 miles
    5Y3 Gutzmer'S Twin Oaks Whitewater, WI - Public Chicago 48 miles
    0C0 Dacy Harvard, IL - Public Chicago 48 miles
    Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
    1WI6 Aero Estates Raymond Township, WI - Private Chicago 14 miles
    3WI1 Olson'S Union Grove, WI - Private Chicago 16 miles
    WI95 Binzel Paddock Lake, WI - Private Chicago 16 miles
    WI03 Horner Farms Union Grove, WI - Private Chicago 16 miles
    WI86 Flaglor Kansasville, WI - Private Chicago 18 miles
    WN63 Bristol Bristol, WI - Private Detroit 18 miles
    04WI Dutch Gap Airstrip Bristol, WI - Private Green Bay 19 miles
    WI58 Winfield Bristol, WI - Private Chicago 20 miles
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