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Photo Submission Rules:

  • All photos submitted must have been taken by the person making the submission. If your image is copyrighted, the name of the person or entity owning the copyright must be included with the submission.

  • The photo submitter will be held responsible for any copyright infringement.

  • FunPlacesToFly.com, VansAircraftBuilders.com and OpenAirNet Incorporated will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement.

  • All photos submitted must be aviation related.

  • All photos files submitted must be in a JPG or GIF format.

  • OpenAirNet Inc, owner and publisher of FunPlacesToFly.com and VansAircraftBuilders.com, has the right to alter and resize any photos submitted.

  • OpenAirNet Inc, owner and publisher of FunPlacesToFly.com and VansAircraftBuilders.com, has the right to share any photos submitted on any of it's associated aviation websites, plus Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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