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Mojave Airport/Spaceport, Mojave, CA (MHV)

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Mojave Airport/Spaceport

First Inland Spaceport! Mojave Airport/Spaceport is home to Scaled Composites; BAE Systems; Calspan Bicycle Works; XCOR Aerospace; and Masten Space Systems. Described in the latest issue of Popular Science as the New Area 51. Mojave Air Spaceport - world renowned flight research center hosting the latest and most advanced aeronautical designs. You can visit Legacy Park where the Rotary Rocket Roton sits on display and every third Saturday the Mojave Transportation Museum, Foundation hosts Plane Crazy Saturday!

Many aircraft types, including a rocket plane, are on display from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Friendly people and a great restaurant - Voyager Restaurant, named by Dick Rutan, who flew around the world in 1986, non-stop and unrefueled in the Voyager Aircraft that was designed by his brother, Burt Rutan. Sit and have breakfast or lunch and watch the airplanes at your table with a view! Voyager now hangs in the Smithsonian Air Space Museum in Washington D.C.! Mojave Air Spaceport - where SPACE IS AVAILABLE! - Submitted by Cathy Hansen
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Video Created by Mojave Airspace

100LL Food Gift Shop
JET-A Maintenance Tiedowns
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Email: information@mojaveairport.com
Phone: 661.824.2433
Airport Information:
Mojave Air And Space Port (MHV)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 35-03-32.2000N
Longitude: 118-09-02.2000W
Elevation: 2801
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 127.6

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1434 Flightline
Mojave, CA
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Mojave Airport/Spaceport - Uploaded by Mike

Mojave Air and Spaceport - Uploaded by Jim

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