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Airport Cafe at Kern Valley Airport, Kernville, CA (L05)

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Airport Cafe at Kern Valley Airport

L05 is a great place to practice mountain flying. Good food and a short trip to the Kern river for rafting. There is also camping on the field. - Submitted by Dave
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Video Created by Goekeli

Camping Food Tiedowns
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Phone: 760-376-2852
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Kern Valley (L05)

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Latitude: 35-43-41.6000N
Longitude: 118-25-11.0000W
Elevation: 2614
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Kernville, CA
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9/22/2009 - My wife, dog and I camped out here for a couple of nights. The campground is well appointed and during our visit, empty. The solar shower doesn't work very well, but everything else is there. The Cafe rented me their wreck, which allowed us some freedom. One of the better airplane camping spots that I've visited. - Submitted by jlezin

7/4/2009 - Great little airport! Super burgers, great views, right by the lake, and has camping right off the runway by the river. Absolutely love the place. Go there every chance I get. - Submitted by Kevin Johnson

5/21/2009 - We loved Kernville. Great little town and the Kernville Inn will pick you up at the airport... Great rooms Fabulous Breakfasts... Bob Margarat. - Submitted by Bob @ PRB

5/9/2009 - Great food..but make sure your parking brake works.. - Submitted by Wally
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- Uploaded by Mike

N95896 Labor Day 2011. Great place to visit! - Uploaded by Peter Barnato - Copyright Holder: Peter Barnato

Takeoff from Kern Valley airport. - Uploaded by KI'm Bunje

Takeoff Kern Valley Airport - Uploaded by Kim Bunje

Kern Valley Airport - Uploaded by Kim Bunje

Kern Valley Airport - Uploaded by Kim Bunje

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