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Santa Ynez, Santa Ynez, CA (IZA)

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Santa Ynez

Head to Santa Ynez for an amazing wine tasting trip. Fly into KIZA where you can rent a car for around $30, get a cab though there seem to be very few around or walk to town which is less than 1/2 a mile away. Stay at the Edison Street Inn. Built in 2005, this BB is charming, luxurious and reasonably priced. Be sure to make reservations in advance. Rent bikes 1 block away from Santa Barbara Wine Country Cycling Tours, though they are a bit pricey at $35 for half a day. There are a ton of local wineries to bike to, Roblar and Beckman being a couple of my favorites. After a long day of biking and drinking...I mean tasting, head back to the Inn for some relaxation before dinner at Vinyard House. It's a block from the Inn and serves an exceptional menu. The next morning you'll have your complimentary breakfast that came with your room reservation - a real breakfast, not one of those continental deals. Then do it all over again. Little story - this past weekend my girlfriend and I left the Edison to walk a 1/2 mile back to the airport. Larry, the Inn's owner, found us a couple of blocks from the Inn and insisted on giving us a ride...a real gentleman. - Submitted by davidanthonyfreedman
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Email: kbailey@santaynezairport.com
Phone: (805) 688-8390
Airport Information:
Santa Ynez (IZA)

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Latitude: 34-36-24.5350N
Longitude: 120-04-31.9800W
Elevation: 674
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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P.O. Box 1572
Santa Ynez, CA
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2/29/2012 - Took the advice written on Santa Ynez and took the wife up from San Diego for a Valentines Weekend. Landed at the airport and it was a beautiful entry from the south. Over flying Santa Barbara, then over the mountains to the plush green valleys of Santa Ynez. The views were amazing. Getting to our Bed Breakfast, we elected to call a cab vice walk because we were just ping bags off, then heading up to Los Olivos for some wine tasting. We stayed at the Edison Street Inn, which is only a half mile from the airport. I can not speak highly enough about this place. Larry has built a wonderful bed breakfast with a country wine feel, that can't be put into words. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast at Burger Barn weird name, but awesome family cafe, then off to a day of wine tasting and site seeing. Come back to a 'wine and cheese' hour with Larry and all the guests. Probably our favorite time! When we left, Larry insisted on giving us a ride although we said we would walk! Amazing place, we would not think of staying anywhere else. The airport is very well kept, fuel is easy to access in the middle of the tarmac. Reasonable priced fuel. Overnight tie-down fee of 5 was very reasonable, especially when you see how well the airport is kept up, you won't mind paying! Santa Ynez is now one of our favorite destinations!

Dan Teresa - Submitted by Dan
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All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Santa Ynez Airport - Uploaded by Fred

The Edison Street Inn. - Uploaded by Edward

The Roblar Winery - Uploaded by Dave

Beckmen Vineyards - Uploaded by Jimmy

The Vineyard House - Uploaded by Edward

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