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First Flight Airport, Kill Devil Hills, NC (KFFA)

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First Flight Airport

Pay homage to the fathers of aviation. Coming into the field-you can't see it until you're right on it. Usually a crosswind, easy landing with deer all over (sometimes crossing the runway on landing), and plenty of tiedowns-bring your own rope if you're planning on stayin more than a few hours.

There's only one tiedown with rope there. Free admittance into the park, AOPA just put up a new facility there for pilots-entry code is VFR sqwak code. It's a great place-only way to get to the beach is by bringing your own bikes. Dare County (MQI) is a 3 minute flight from FFA, and they have a crew car where you can go into town and get some grub. If you like seafood-go to stripers grille in-town-ask the FBO where it is(right next to McDonalds). - Submitted by cdmaker9
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First Flight (FFA)

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Latitude: 36-01-03.3000N
Longitude: 075-40-17.7000W
Elevation: 11
CTAF: 122.9

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11/8/2013 - An easy, 20 minute walk to the beach past several lunch spots. Just carry your lawn chair and towel. - Submitted by Tom Wright

10/28/2007 - Someone left a comment about the deer. That information is in the AFD as well. ALL pilot's need to be aware. I came with in feet of hitting one. Other then that I really enjoyed the monument.
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
MQI Dare County Rgnl Manteo, NC
Charlotte 7 miles
ONX Currituck County Rgnl Currituck, NC
Washington 33 miles
ECG Elizabeth City Cg Air Station/rgnl Elizabeth City, NC
Washington 33 miles
7W6 Hyde County Engelhard, NC
Charlotte 35 miles
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Turning final 1940 BC65 Taylorcraft - Uploaded by Mac Kniff

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