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Richfield Airport, Richfield, UT (RIF)

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Richfield Airport

Really, really nice folks at this airport. They offer 3 courtesy cars. SHORT drive into town, where you will find your choice of fast food places: McDonald's; Burger King; Taco Bell; Wendy's; Pizza Hut; Kentucky Fried Chicken. - Submitted by EJ
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100LL JET-A Maintenance
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Phone: 435-896-9413
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Richfield Muni (RIF)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 38-44-02.8000N
Longitude: 112-06-05.7000W
Elevation: 5318
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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1615 South Airport Road
Richfield, UT
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6/1/2013 - Every Saturday the have breakfast for 3$. Fun place to fly to. Very friendly. - Submitted by Ss
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Las Vegas 34 miles
38U Wayne Wonderland Loa, UT
Las Vegas 37 miles
U52 Beaver Muni Beaver, UT
Las Vegas 47 miles
41U Manti-Ephraim Manti, UT
Las Vegas 49 miles
DTA Delta Muni Delta, UT
Las Vegas 50 miles
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Use care for construction in vicinity of fuel pump. - Uploaded by Michael

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