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Mariposa-Yosemite Airport, Mariposa, CA (MPI)

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Mariposa-Yosemite Airport

Closest airport to the front gate of Yosemite National Park. Runways 08-26 are 60'wide x 3310'long. Car rental with advanced reservation. Office hours Dec.-March 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m./April - Nov.8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 24 hr. cardlock fuel island. 5 clicks on 122.7 (CTAF) turns on runway lights. Overnight tiedown $4.00 - Submitted by FunPlacesToFly.com Member
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100LL Aircraft Rental Flight Training
JET-A Rental Cars Sightseeing
Tiedowns Transportation
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Contact Information:
Email: airport.mariposa@gmail.com
Phone: (209) 966-2143
Airport Information:
Mariposa-Yosemite (MPI)

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Latitude: 37-30-39.1000N
Longitude: 120-02-22.3000W
Elevation: 2254
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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5020 Macready Way
Mariposa, CA
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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4/26/2018 - Tiedown $5.00 / night. Hours: M-F 10am-4pm Sat 9am-12noon. Rental Cars available at airport - Submitted by Jaye Ferris

12/7/2016 - Airport Terminal is now open! Airport courtesy car and rental cars available. JetA and 100LL Check out: www.yosemiteaviation.com
- Submitted by Tony

9/14/2014 - FBO/Terminal building is closed indefinitely. Still a very nice fly-in. 15 minutes walk to the Airport Inn Bar Grill. Authentic food great hamburgers, spareribs, etc in an amazing Western style restaurant. Definitely worth for a lunch-fly-in! - Submitted by Martin Pohl

6/11/2013 - New email is airport.mariposa@gmail.com
Our website is: mariposayosemiteairport.com
- Submitted by Sharon Coolidge

6/11/2013 - KMPI Airport Rent-a-Car, Inc. took over as airport manager 06/2010. Now in our 3rd year. Friendly Staff waiting to serve you! We have rental cars on the airfield. Free Wi-fi, pilot's lounge, 24/7 bathroom, picnic area, snacks beverages. Open 7 days a week. 24/7 fuel sales Shell. Closest airport to Yosemite. - Submitted by Sharon Coolidge

8/21/2010 - New FBO on field as of 7/1/10: KMPI Airport Rent-a-car. Same phone #, new email: airport.mariposa@gmail.com - We now have Hertz rental cars on the field ready for your fly-in drive trip to Yosemite! We're open 8 to 5 daily. - Submitted by Sharon Coolidge

7/21/2009 - Tiedowns $5.00 night - Submitted by Maria

1/1/2009 - I have to get there first,then IZA, after that another place. How about O85 to visit Whiskeytown Nat'l Recreation Area.
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All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Mariposa-Yosemite Airport entrance - Uploaded by Mike

Newly d pilots lounge/terminal, free WiFi, computer, TV, library, snacks, 24/7 bathroom. - Uploaded by Sharon Coolidge - Copyright Holder: Sharon Coolidge

On final for 26 MPI Jan 2010 - Uploaded by Sharon Coolidge

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