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Basin Harbor Club, Vergennes, VT (B06)

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Basin Harbor Club

Great family destination resort with good restaurants, swimming, tennis, golf, hiking. Airport is a very nice 3000 foot grass strip. Right on Lake Champlain. - Submitted by Chuck
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Basin Harbor (B06)

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Latitude: 44-11-45.1910N
Longitude: 073-20-58.4510W
Elevation: 132
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Vergennes, VT
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7/2/2019 - Great restaurant and wonderful staff. Call ahead for field conditions. The runway has poor drainage and they keep the grass a little on the long side. - Submitted by Eric

9/23/2013 - My first flight into B08's 3000' grass strip. Nice approach to 20 over Lake Chaplain. I taxied to and parked next to the Red Mill Restaurant where, by chance, the chef was just getting into his golf cart. He gave me a tour of the facility including the cottages, lodge, lakefront, and golf course. Had a really great lunch at the Red Mill and was impressed not only by the friendliness and service of the staff there, but by other staff I met along the way. I will definitely be back, and will probably stay at least for a night. - Submitted by John Haley
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
VT8 Shelburne Shelburne, VT
Montreal 13 miles
6B0 Middlebury State Middlebury, VT
New York 19 miles
BTV Burlington Intl Burlington, VT
Montreal 21 miles
1I1 Marcy Field Keene, NY
Montreal 22 miles
4B6 Ticonderoga Muni Ticonderoga, NY
New York 22 miles
0B7 Warren-Sugarbush Warren, VT
Montreal 26 miles
4B7 Schroon Lake Schroon Lake, NY
New York 30 miles
LKP Lake Placid Lake Placid, NY
Montreal 31 miles
PBG Plattsburgh Intl Plattsburgh, NY
Montreal 32 miles
MPV Edward F Knapp State Barre/montpelier, VT
Montreal 39 miles
MVL Morrisville-Stowe State Morrisville, VT
Montreal 43 miles
SLK Adirondack Rgnl Saranac Lake, NY
Montreal 44 miles
All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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My first visit - Uploaded by John Haley

A great place to eat - Uploaded by John Haley

Near Lake Champlain with Adirondack mountains beyond - Uploaded by John Haley

One of the 73 unique cottages to stay in... or choose the lodge - Uploaded by John Haley

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