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Thunderbird Airpark, Lake Como, FL (2FA5)

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Thunderbird Airpark

A grass airstrip surrounded by lakes in north central Florida, not far from the St. Johns River. We have accommodations for you and your aircraft! For more details, please visit our website! - Submitted by Ivee Sauls
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Email: tbirdair@gmail.com
Phone: 8326216955
Airport Information:
Thunderbird Air Park (2FA5)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 29-28-19.8990N
Longitude: 081-34-19.2730W
Elevation: 67
Unicom: 122.8

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118 Cessna Street
Lake Como, FL
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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Jacksonville 15 miles
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Jacksonville 17 miles
FIN Flagler Executive Palm Coast, FL
Jacksonville 22 miles
1J6 Bob Lee Flight Strip Deland, FL
Jacksonville 30 miles
OMN Ormond Beach Muni Ormond Beach, FL
Jacksonville 30 miles
DED Deland Muni-Sidney H Taylor Field Deland, FL
Jacksonville 33 miles
SGJ Northeast Florida Rgnl St Augustine, FL
Jacksonville 36 miles
DAB Daytona Beach Intl Daytona Beach, FL
Jacksonville 37 miles
X23 Umatilla Muni Umatilla, FL
Jacksonville 38 miles
42J Keystone Airpark Keystone Heights, FL
Jacksonville 38 miles
X55 Mid Florida Air Service Eustis, FL
Jacksonville 44 miles
OCF Ocala Intl-Jim Taylor Field Ocala, FL
Jacksonville 44 miles
GNV Gainesville Rgnl Gainesville, FL
Jacksonville 45 miles
LEE Leesburg Intl Leesburg, FL
Jacksonville 47 miles
EVB New Smyrna Beach Muni New Smyrna Beach, FL
Jacksonville 47 miles
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Thunderbird Airpark - Uploaded by Mike - Copyright Holder: Mike

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