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Pik-n-Pig!, Carthage, NC (BQ1)

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It doesn't get better than this! We know our BBQ... We cook our Q with hickory natural hardwood charcoal. And save the gas for the fryers 'cause we slow-cook our Q all night long over a natural wood fire. This style of cooking creates a pink color in the meat that intensifies the flavor and keeps it extra juicy.

Our entire menu is available for take-out so take a gander and throw us a call!
Some people say we're crazy for slow cooking our Q all night long over a natural wood fire... We say, It's not polite to talk with your mouth full!

Hours of Operation
Tuesday - Saturday: 11am - 8pm
Sunday: 11 - 3pm - Submitted by Mike
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100LL Hangars Tiedowns
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Phone: 910-947-7591
Airport Information:
Gilliam - Mc Connell Airfield (BQ1)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 35-20-30.0000N
Longitude: 079-26-13.0000W
Elevation: 445
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

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194 Gilliam McConnell Road
Carthage, NC
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12/24/2024 - They are open Thurs- Sun 1100-1600 - Submitted by Stephen Abarno
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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Charlotte 20 miles
TTA Raleigh Exec Jetport At Sanford-Lee County Sanford, NC
Charlotte 25 miles
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Charlotte 25 miles
5W4 P K Airpark Raeford, NC
Charlotte 26 miles
HBI Asheboro Rgnl Asheboro, NC
Charlotte 34 miles
RCZ Richmond County Rockingham, NC
Charlotte 36 miles
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MEB Laurinburg-Maxton Maxton, NC
Charlotte 38 miles
FAY Fayetteville Rgnl/grannis Field Fayetteville, NC
Charlotte 40 miles
HRJ Harnett Rgnl Jetport Erwin, NC
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Charlotte 41 miles
2A5 Causey Liberty, NC
Charlotte 41 miles
N88 Kecks Julian, NC
Charlotte 42 miles
AFP Anson County - Jeff Cloud Field Wadesboro, NC
Charlotte 42 miles
3A4 Southeast Greensboro Greensboro, NC
Charlotte 44 miles
2GC Grays Creek Fayetteville, NC
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5W5 Triple W Raleigh, NC
Charlotte 46 miles
IGX Horace Williams Chapel Hill, NC
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BUY Burlington-Alamance Rgnl Burlington, NC
Cincinnati 49 miles
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Pik-n-Pig! - Uploaded by Mike

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