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Excelsior Springs Golf Course, Excelsior Springs, MO (3EX)

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Excelsior Springs Golf Course

Airport only 400 yards from Club House. Excelsior Springs Golf Course opened in October, 1915 with the completion of an 18-hole championship course. The club briefly expanded to 36 holes in the late 1920's, but the Great Depression returned the club to the original 18 holes that are still in place today. - Submitted by Todd
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Email: info@excelsiorgolf.com
Phone: (816) 630-3731
Airport Information:
Excelsior Springs Memorial (3EX)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 39-20-14.2000N
Longitude: 094-11-50.7000W
Elevation: 999
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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1201 E Golf Hill Dr
Excelsior Springs, MO
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MCI Kansas City Intl Kansas City, MO
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0C1 Triple R Dearborn, MO
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Kansas City 44 miles
OJC Johnson County Executive Olathe, KS
Kansas City 45 miles
51K Cedar Air Park Olathe, KS
Kansas City 46 miles
CHT Chillicothe Muni Chillicothe, MO
Kansas City 48 miles
STJ Rosecrans Memorial St Joseph, MO
Kansas City 48 miles
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Excelsior Springs Golf Course - Uploaded by Mike

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