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Low and Slow Smokehouse, Smithfield, NC (KJNX)

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Low and Slow Smokehouse

Locally owned barbecue restaurant featuring locally sourced meats. Our award winning pitmasters are determined to bring you the best barbecue the area has to offer. Sit on our runway view terrace and enjoy the action! - Submitted by Kelsey Walters
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Phone: 919-578-6479
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Johnston Regional (JNX)

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Latitude: 35-32-27.4000N
Longitude: 078-23-25.2000W
Elevation: 164
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A1+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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3149B Swift Creek Rd
Smithfield, NC
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8/21/2023 - Had lunch there 8/19/23- Great ribs and sausages! The baked beans are a must. My wife really enjoyed the trip as well. The pattern was busy, typically 3 or 4 planes in the pattern. - Submitted by Dan Kadar
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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HRJ Harnett Rgnl Jetport Erwin, NC
Charlotte 22 miles
GWW Wayne Executive Jetport Goldsboro, NC
Charlotte 25 miles
W03 Wilson Industrial Air Center Wilson, NC
Charlotte 28 miles
W40 Mount Olive Muni Mount Olive, NC
Charlotte 30 miles
RDU Raleigh-Durham Intl Raleigh/durham, NC
Charlotte 32 miles
LHZ Triangle North Executive Louisburg, NC
Charlotte 34 miles
RWI Rocky Mount-Wilson Rgnl Rocky Mount, NC
Charlotte 35 miles
CTZ Clinton-Sampson County Clinton, NC
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TTA Raleigh Exec Jetport At Sanford-Lee County Sanford, NC
Charlotte 40 miles
DPL Duplin Co Kenansville, NC
Charlotte 44 miles
ISO Kinston Rgnl Jetport At Stallings Fld Kinston, NC
Charlotte 46 miles
N08 Flanagan Field Farmville, NC
Charlotte 47 miles
IGX Horace Williams Chapel Hill, NC
Charlotte 47 miles
FAY Fayetteville Rgnl/grannis Field Fayetteville, NC
Charlotte 47 miles
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Low and Slow Smokehouse - Uploaded by Mike - Copyright Holder: Jim Smith

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