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Eagles Roost / Cassville, Wisconsin, Cassville, WI (C74)

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Eagles Roost / Cassville, Wisconsin

Cassville Airport is right across the street 150' walk to Eagles Roost Resort and TWO good restaurant/bars.

We parked on the grass, tied down and enjoyed the hospitality!

This is a wonderful place to book a room, or if you have a group, one of their cabins is really nice. We opted to book three rooms for the Flying Cowboys retreat.

They have wave runners, e-bikes, boats. The trail system and town is worth the visit. The fishing and water fun is absolutely top notch. We enjoyed a night cruise on the mississippi with the resort owners. MAGICAL!

An undiscovered aviation gem location!

Cory Robin has made a couple youtube videos of the stay there. - Submitted by Cory Robin
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Video Created by Cory Robin

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Phone: 608 725-5553
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Cassville Muni (C74)

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Latitude: 42-42-15.3750N
Longitude: 090-57-57.9850W
Elevation: 627
CTAF: 122.9

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1034 Jack Oak Road
Cassville, WI
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