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Estes Drive In, Lincoln, MO (0R2)

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Estes Drive In

2,940 foot grass strip with a short walk to the Drive-In. Indoor/outdoor dining with burgers/tenderloins, etc and BBQ on the weekends. Good selection of ice cream also! - Submitted by Peter E
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Lincoln Muni (0R2)

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Latitude: 38-24-08.4000N
Longitude: 093-19-56.1000W
Elevation: 940
CTAF: 122.9

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525 N 65 Hwy
Lincoln, MO
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3/25/2021 - I read about this on FPTF, so my sons and I flew here one day. I was able to call the very pleasant airport manager regarding the field condition prior to coming. They have a grass landing strip that is in very good condition. There was plenty of room to park the plane, and they had a portapoddy if needed. It was just a short walk down the street to the Estes Drive In and several other restaurants and shops. Everyone was very nice, the food was excellent, and the ice cream treats delicious. They have a Fly In on September 11, which looks like a lot of fun. - Submitted by Hank Konzelmann
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
RAW Warsaw Muni Warsaw, MO
Kansas City 4 miles
GLY Clinton Rgnl Clinton, MO
Kansas City 19 miles
DMO Sedalia Rgnl Sedalia, MO
Kansas City 23 miles
3VS Roy Otten Memorial Airfield Versailles, MO
Kansas City 25 miles
RCM Skyhaven Warrensburg, MO
Kansas City 37 miles
K15 Grand Glaize-Osage Beach Osage Beach, MO
Kansas City 41 miles
H79 Eldon Model Airpark Eldon, MO
Kansas City 41 miles
OZS Camdenton Memorial-Lake Rgnl Camdenton, MO
Kansas City 46 miles
AIZ Lee C Fine Memorial Kaiser/lake Ozark, MO
Kansas City 47 miles
MHL Marshall Memorial Muni Marshall, MO
Kansas City 48 miles
HIG Higginsville Industrial Muni Higginsville, MO
Kansas City 50 miles
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Outside of Estes Drive In - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

Lincoln Municipal Airport - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

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