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Backcountry Fun with 2300 x 150 Turf Runway and Camping, Restaurant, and BB, Pine, ID (1U9)

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Backcountry Fun with 2300 x 150 Turf Runway and Camping, Restaurant, and BB

Stayed at the Hayhurst Bed Breakfast during our trip to Pine, Idaho. The BB is within a couple of hundred yards from the airport and Deborah and Buzz, owners of the BB will come and pick you up. They even have a courtesy car who would expect a BB of this caliber to have a crew car?.

The rooms all have their own bathrooms, walk-out patio, and the great room shared by the guests is out-of-this world with a pool table, big screen with surround sound, full kitchen for your use, wall-mounted Scrabble game really cool, hot tub, fire pit, and an unbelievable view of the lake. Wish I could post pictures of this BB on the site, as it was one of the most unbelievable experiences we ever had.

Of course, look at the their website, but feel free to email me at spencer_hamons@hotmail.com for a pilot's view of the location. For the pilots out there, the runway is 2,300 x 150...landing is uphill, takeoff is downhill, and there are no obstacles that will mess with your arrival or departure. Concrete with chain tiedowns are available, so you don't have to worry about bringing your own stuff to secure your airplane. Mountains block much of the wind, and take-off and landing is over the lake.

If you go into town about a mile away, there is another hotel, a grocery store, and a restaurant with pool tables, shuffleboard, and a jukebox. Food is traditional pub food, but the locals are very welcoming. Just down the road are natural hot springs just off the highway at Johnson's Bridge, free to anyone who stops, and Trinity Hot Springs are another 1/2 mile down the road if you want a more formal large hot springs pool. Fishing at Anderson Ranch Reservoir is just off the airport. Look on page 134 of the state published Airport Directory here for detailed information. https://itd.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Airport-Facilities-Directory.pdf - Submitted by Spencer Hamons
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Biking Camping Courtesy Car(s)
Fishing Food Hiking
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Tiedowns Transportation WIFI
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Contact Information:
Email: info@hayhurstbnb.com
Phone: 208-653-2135
Airport Information:
Pine (1U9)

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Latitude: 43-27-58.5000N
Longitude: 115-18-36.1000W
Elevation: 4232
CTAF: 122.9

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Pine, ID
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Signs at Pine, Idaho airport. One way in, one way out, but approach and departure is over the lake - Uploaded by Spencer Hamons

Departure end of Pine, ID airport. One way in, one way out. Uphill landing, downhill departure with no obstacles to worry about. No problem for common GA aircraft - you don't need a bush plane to land here. - Uploaded by Spencer Hamons

Gorgeous common room at the Hayhurst BB, just a couple of hundred yards from the Pine, ID airport. Deborah and Buzz will come pick you up, and they have a courtesy car you can use also. This place is about as beautiful as you can find. - Uploaded by Spencer Hamons

About a mile from the airport is the town of Pine, which has a cafe, bar, restaurant, and a grocery store. Food is typical pub food, with pool, shuffleboard, and jukebox. Camping is available at the airfield, or here in town. - Uploaded by Spencer Hamons

Backcountry Fun with 2300 x 150 Turf Runway and Camping, Restaurant, and BB - Uploaded by Mike

Hayhurst BB - this is the view of the BB from the lake / airport side. - Uploaded by Spencer Hamons

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