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Penn Yan Airport, Penn Yan, NY (KPEO)

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Penn Yan Airport

Quiet non-towered airport with plenty of runway located about one mile from Penn Yan and the nearest hotel and restaurant on Keuka Lake, one of the scenic finger lakes in N.Y. About 20 mile to Hammondsport where the Glenn Curtis and Maritime Museums are located. Leisurely drive to Seneca Lake and Watkins Glenn and other waterfall sights. Plenty of Wineries to explore and dine. Most places open with usual restrictions. Great place to relax and unwind. - Submitted by J Gary Schmidt
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100LL FBO Flight Training
Hangar Space Hotels Near Airport JET-A
Maintenance Oxygen Rental Cars
Restrooms Self Serve 100LL Tiedowns
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Phone: 315-536-5150
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Penn Yan (PEO)

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Latitude: 42-38-13.5000N
Longitude: 077-03-10.3000W
Elevation: 987
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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Penn Yan, NY
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