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Bonnie Cafe, Mt Vernon, IL (KMVN)

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Bonnie Cafe

The Bonnie Cafe, located in the Mt Vernon airport terminal building, features home-style Midwest comfort food, with fast, friendly service, low prices, and great big panoramic windows looking out onto the ramp. Park your airplane directly in front of the terminal, and admire it while having a great meal. Locally family owned and operated restaurant, offering good home cooked food at reasonable prices On the Field. - Submitted by Matthew Deis
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Phone: 618-242-4070
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Mount Vernon (MVN)

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Latitude: 38-19-24.1000N
Longitude: 088-51-30.6000W
Elevation: 480
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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100 Aviation Drive
Mt Vernon, IL
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11/30/2021 - For pilots, every fifth meal is FREE! Pick up a card in the restaurant. - Submitted by Chris Erkmann
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Mt Vernon Bonnie Cafe - Uploaded by Mike

Bonnie's Cafe in KMVN terminal - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

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