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Aviation Museum of Santa Paula, Santa Paula, CA (KSZP)

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Aviation Museum of Santa Paula

Mission Statement: To educate the public of all ages in aviation and its history, both in general and as it relates to Santa Paula and to inspire, motivate and challenge the younger generation to carry on the dream of our aviation pioneers.

The Museum consists of what we call the Chain of Hangars, each hangar exhibiting the owner's personal collections. Each one is unique! The private displays include antique, classic and experimental aircraft; automobiles including race cars; motorcycles; an enormous antique radio, juke box and phonograph collection; paintings and photographs; model aircraft and a variety of aviation artifacts.

The Museum Chain of Hangars, our gift shop and display of aircraft are open for public viewing and the enjoyment on the First Sunday of each month (weather permitting) between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The airport is active all day long (again, when conditions allow), so flying activities on the ground and overhead add to the day's fun for aviation enthusiasts. Special ground tours are available by appointment. - Submitted by Wendy
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Video Created by The Intangibles Production Team

100LL Maintenance Tiedowns
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Email: amszp@verizon.net
Phone: (805) 525-1109
Airport Information:
Santa Paula (SZP)

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Latitude: 34-20-49.1081N
Longitude: 119-03-41.9948W
Elevation: 248
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

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Santa Paula Airport
Santa Paula, CA
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10/6/2020 - Flight 126 Cafe, on the airport at Santa Paula KSZP is a very popular sport for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Santa Paula typically has the cheapest 100LL fuel in southern California at its self-serve. Note that the runway is not lighted. - Submitted by Art Friedman

10/8/2018 - Flight 126 Cafe now serves breakfast and lunch and, next door, The Hangar serves dinner. Sit on the deck and enjoy the air show. - Submitted by Art
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Aviation Museum of Santa Paula - Uploaded by Mike

Many beautiful birds! - Uploaded by Mike

LASER Pilot Stuff!

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