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Eastern Slope Regional Airport, Fryeburg, ME (KIZG)

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Eastern Slope Regional Airport

Eastern Slope Regional Airport KIZG is a hidden gem surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest with many ski resorts, beautiful lakes, rivers, ponds, camping areas, golfing, hiking, biking and so much more! Tax free shopping and dining in North Conway, NH is only a few minutes away. Ideal for any season to get away! - Submitted by Barbara
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100LL Biking Camping
Complimentary Coffee Courtesy Car(s) Hangar Leasing/Sales
Hangar Space Hangars Hiking
JET-A Museum Office Space
Pilot Lounge Restrooms Self Serve 100LL
Shuttle to Local Hotels Sightseeing Terminal/Lounge
Tiedowns Transportation WIFI
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Phone: 207 935 4711
Airport Information:
Eastern Slopes Rgnl (IZG)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 43-59-28.1000N
Longitude: 070-56-52.4000W
Elevation: 454
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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210 Lyman Drive
Fryeburg, ME
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Eastern Slope Regional Airport - Uploaded by Mike

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