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Taos Mesa Brewery, El Prado, NM (KSKX)

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Taos Mesa Brewery

Taos Mesa Brewing is a local craft brewery located directly across highway 64 from Taos Regional Airport. The Taos Airport has an FBO with self-service AVGAS and Jet-A, and full-service Jet-A. While the transportation options from the FBO are limited, rental cars are available if you call ahead of time.

The brewery is a great place for your passengers to grab some of the best craft brews in New Mexico, and their food menu is very good, with burgers, pulled pork, salads, and numerous vegan options. If you arrive in the evening, there is a good chance you will find live music as well.

If you are up for a walk, the walk from the FBO to the brewery is less than one mile. - Submitted by Spencer Hamons
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100LL Avgas Complimentary Coffee
Computerized Weather FBO Flight Planning Room
Hangar Space Hangars Hiking
JET-A Oxygen Pilot Lounge
Restrooms Self Serve 100LL Sightseeing
Tiedowns Vending Machines WIFI
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Phone: https://www.taosmesabrewing.com/
Airport Information:
Taos Rgnl (SKX)

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Latitude: 36-27-06.1000N
Longitude: 105-40-23.1000W
Elevation: 7094
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A1+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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20 ABC Mesa Road
El Prado, NM
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Taos Mesa Brewery - Uploaded by Mike

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