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Gelston House, East Haddam, CT (42B)

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Gelston House

The Gelston House is a turn of the century Hotel/Restaurant in the sleepy town of East Haddam, CT, along the banks of the Connecticut River. It is a two minute stroll from Goodspeed airport. Park your aircraft and $5 into the mail slot honor system.

The Gelston House offers a great dining experience, both indoors and outside, with beautiful views of the river. It's open Wednesday through Sunday, 11:30 am till 9:00 pm.

When approaching runway 32, be mindful of the power lines crossing the river.

Blue Skies Fun Dining!
- Submitted by Rob Willard
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Goodspeed (42B)

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Latitude: 41-26-44.3560N
Longitude: 072-27-20.3130W
Elevation: 9
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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8 Main Street
East Haddam, CT
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Gelston House. East Haddam - Uploaded by Rob Willard

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