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Wildman Lake Lodge, Alaska, Wildman Lake Lodge, AK (EWD)

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Wildman Lake Lodge, Alaska

Fly in only, wilderness lodge on the remote Alaska Peninsula. Alaska's Priemier sport fishing lodge. Glaciers, Volcanoes and 1,000 of black sand beaches. Wildlife viewing: Brown Bear, Pacific Walrus, Bald Eagles, Moose, Caribou, Wolves and more. Located 500 miles SW of Anchorage, 65 miles SW of Port Heiden PAPH Elevation 50', RWY 07/25 is 2,800 ft. gravel. Overnight lodging, Meals and Muktuks, guided fishing and wildlife tours.
Open June through September. Visit the Wildman Loke Lodge Website for details. - Submitted by Butch
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Email: fish@wildmanlodge.com
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Wildman Lake Lodge, Alaska - Uploaded by Mike Watts

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