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Hangar Kafe, Miller, MO (MO9)

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Hangar Kafe

Grass strip and a lovely hangar cafe, good food, open 6 am to 9 pm! They told us they have a band on weekend evening sometimes, aviation decor, worth a stop for a meal. Mon - Thu: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm. Fri - Sat: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm. Sun: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm. - Submitted by Jay
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Video Created by tim leimkuhler

100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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Phone: (417) 452-2277
Airport Information:
Kingsley Airfield (MO9)

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Latitude: 37-13-49.5900N
Longitude: 093-55-48.8400W
Elevation: 1272
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.9

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Lawrence 1070
Miller, MO
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4/13/2023 - OUTSTANDING!

AWESOME- atmosphere

- Submitted by Chuck B

7/10/2022 - Outstanding! Great breakfast. Aviation atmosphere. Complimented by very good service. Parachutest for added entertainment.Great experience! - Submitted by CJB3
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Hangar Kafe - Uploaded by Mike Evans

Hangar Kafe, Miller, MO - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

Hangar Kafe, Miller, MO - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

Hangar Kafe Airstrip - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

Hangar Kafe, Miller, MO - Uploaded by Hank Konzelmann

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