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Richard Downing Airport, Coshocton, OH (I40)

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Richard Downing Airport

During the summer time the Airport I40 has this great Barbecue Friday thru Sunday at the airport. Also there is a Historic Canal Town:


If you call ahead to 1800-877-1830 ext20 and ask to speak to Debbie at Roscoe Village and she will arrange for your pick you up at the airport to tour this wonderful Historic Town. Roscoe Village is like a mini Williamsburg but Friendlier, Plus they have a Canal Boat ride also. - Submitted by Barney Schwenzer
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Contact Information:
Email: betheltoler@coshoctoncounty.net
Phone: 740-622-2252
Airport Information:
Richard Downing (I40)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 40-18-36.6000N
Longitude: 081-51-08.7000W
Elevation: 978
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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24569 Airport Road
Coshocton, OH
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Richard Downing Airport - Uploaded by Mike

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