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Voyager Airport Grill - Open daily to the public for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Danbury, WI (9WN2)

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Voyager Airport Grill - Open daily to the public for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Fly in and dine at the Voyager Airport Grill, located less than 300' from the runway. Our famous airstrip makes it easy for pilots to enjoy a savory breakfast, lunch or dinner, every day, year around. Delight in a picturesque view of aviation, golf and wildlife activities directly from your table. After your meal, stay for a round of golf, explore our hiking trails or enjoy a sunset by the lake. In a hurry, just call ahead and place your order and have it waiting: 715-259-3910 Ext 15. See our website for hours, menus, pricing and pilot specials.

Length: 3,500 feet by 50 feet, paved, maintained and lighted year-round
Runways: 04/22 - Left hand traffic
Elevation: 1020 feet
Multicom Frequency: 122.9 - Submitted by A. Meyer
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How far away is Voyager Airport Grill - Open daily to the public for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
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Phone: 715-259-3910
Airport Information:
Voyager Village Airstrip (9WN2)

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Latitude: 45-57-59.7980N
Longitude: 092-08-45.6760W
Elevation: 1020

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Danbury, WI
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8/16/2016 - This private airport welcomes the public. Stop in and enjoy great food in our restaurant which is within walking distance. - Submitted by Randy Shimanski
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Green Bay 49 miles
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Fly in and dine at the Voyager Airport Grill, located less than 300' from the runway. Our famous airstrip makes it easy for pilots to enjoy a savory breakfast, lunch or dinner, every day, year around. Delight in a picturesque view of aviation, golf and wildlife activities directly from your table. - Uploaded by Kevin

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