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Wood County Regional Airport, Bowling Green, Ohio, Bowling Green, OH (1G0)

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Wood County Regional Airport, Bowling Green, Ohio

Wood County Regional Airport is centrally located in Wood County, the heart of Northwest Ohio . The airport is home base to many general aviation aircraft as well as a destination for corporate aircraft doing business in the region.

The airport is located 1 mile north of Bowling Green, OH. Bowling Green is home to Bowling Green State University, with campus within walking distance of the airport. Downtown Bowling Green has many unique and friendly options for dinning. Please visit our website for additional information! - Submitted by Matt McVicker
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100LL Courtesy Car(s) Hangars
Hotels Near Airport JET-A Pilot Supplies
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Contact Information:
Email: wcraa@woodcountyairport.us
Phone: 419-354-2908
Airport Information:
Wood County (1G0)

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Latitude: 41-23-27.6000N
Longitude: 083-37-48.5000W
Elevation: 672
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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1261 E. Poe Rd.
Bowling Green, OH
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11/17/2014 - I have flown into 1GO on several occasions to visit with my daughter who attends BG. The floks are always very nice and ready to help with any need you may have. Great stop in Northwestern Ohio. - Submitted by Jeff
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Wood County Regional Airport, Bowling Green, Ohio - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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