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Skull Creek Boathouse, Hilton Head, SC (HXD)

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Skull Creek Boathouse

Hilton Head Island is a great place to fly into. Class D towered airport, very friendly. Plenty of room for parking on ramp, call ahead to arrange a rental car, or taxi.

Skull creek boathouse is about 2 miles down the road. Super awesome restaurant right on water, great prices, and lots to choose from. There are usually bands playing in the evening and a large dock to walk out on to check out the dolphins.

There are tons to do on the island , plenty of golf courses, and if you get a chance, swing down to Harbor Town and take a water taxi over to Daufuskie Island! You won't regret it!! - Submitted by Chris
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100LL JET-A Maintenance
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Phone: 843-681-3663
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Hilton Head (HXD)

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Latitude: 32-13-27.7000N
Longitude: 080-41-50.9000W
Elevation: 19
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 118.975

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397 Squire Pope Rd.
Hilton Head, SC
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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ARW Beaufort County Beaufort, SC
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3J1 Ridgeland-Claude Dean Ridgeland, SC
Charlotte 25 miles
SAV Savannah/hilton Head Intl Savannah, GA
Atlanta 30 miles
RBW Lowcountry Rgnl Walterboro, SC
Charlotte 48 miles
3J0 Hampton-Varnville Hampton, SC
Charlotte 50 miles
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Skull Creek Boathouse - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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