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Fagen Fighters WWII Museum, Granite Falls, MN (GDB)

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Fagen Fighters WWII Museum

Enter the museum and be transported in time to the 1940's era for a WWII experience. The museum is home to the pristine collection of WWII trainer and fighter aircraft restored and owned by Fagen Fighters. The collection includes two P-51 D Mustangs, a Lockheed P-38, a P-40, a BT-13, a PT-19, a PT-22, and a PT-26.

Fully operational authentic WWII ground vehicles are proudly displayed among the aircraft. The very rare WACO CG-4A glider used to silently transport troops during WWII is among the displays. A mural by acclaimed artist Dave Reiser depicting Utah Beach during the D-Day Allied Invasion of Normandy, France, plays a prominent role in the museum. Bronze sculptures of the Army's 4th Infantry's soldiers are prepared for combat as they land in a Higgins' boat bringing the Ivy Division's motto 'Steadfast and Loyal' to life.

The 357th Fighter Group of the Army Air Corp's 8th Air Force is represented by the museum's Quonset hut and control tower. Authentic artifacts are used throughout the briefing room depicting Leiston Airfield in England as well as authentic controls in the control tower. A bronze of legendary Col. Clarence E. 'Bud' Anderson, a triple ace fighter pilot completes the scene.

A library overlooking the museum's first floor containing WWII books and documents collected over many years is a work in progress. Touch screens throughout the museum give visitors an interactive experience. Authentic uniforms and artifacts are displayed throughout.

Crew car available at terminal, self serve fuel onsite. Food and services available in town and at the Prairie's Edge Casino Resort, only 2 miles from the museum. - Submitted by Greg Gibson
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100LL Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Email: info@ffwwii.org
Phone: 320-564-6644
Airport Information:
Granite Falls Muni/lenzen-Roe-Fagen Memori (GDB)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 44-45-08.8532N
Longitude: 095-33-19.9083W
Elevation: 1047
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Granite Falls, MN
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Fagen Fighters WWII Museum - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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