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Breath of Heaven BB, Petersburg, WV (W99)

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Breath of Heaven BB

A Place that is Almost Heaven In West Virginia - Breath of Heaven BB owned by Geri and Ed in Petersburg, is a fabulous find just a few miles from the Grant County airport..... Ed met us at the airport and drove us to the BB where we dined on a sumptuous full breakfast of fresh strawberries and watermelon, sausage and eggs. Geri was the perfect hostess and showed us around the guest quarters, which are beautifully decorated with her mother's vintage wedding dress and antique furnishings. W99 is close to summer hiking and water sports, and winter ski resorts.
Ed and Geri's hospitality is unmatched, we highly recommend checking out their little breath of heaven in the mountains. Call ahead, and they'll pick you up at the airport, Ed also makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich that is worthy of angels! - Submitted by Bailey
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Email: Info@breathofheavenbb.com
Phone: 304 257-4971
Airport Information:
Grant County (W99)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 38-59-41.8000N
Longitude: 079-08-45.1000W
Elevation: 962
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Petersburg, WV
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
8W2 New Market New Market, VA
Washington 33 miles
EKN Elkins-Randolph Co-Jennings Randolph Fld Elkins, WV
Cincinnati 39 miles
LUA Luray Caverns Luray, VA
Washington 41 miles
2G4 Garrett County Oakland, MD
Cincinnati 42 miles
VBW Bridgewater Air Park Bridgewater, VA
Washington 45 miles
1W3 Mexico Farms Cumberland, MD
Washington 47 miles
CBE Greater Cumberland Rgnl Cumberland, MD
Washington 48 miles
9W3 Simpson Philippi, WV
Cincinnati 48 miles
FRR Front Royal-Warren County Front Royal, VA
Washington 48 miles
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Breath of Heaven BB - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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