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Tyee Lodge BB, Newport, OR, Newport, OR (ONP)

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Tyee Lodge BB, Newport, OR

Fly to the coast and experience all that Newport has to offer! Tyee Lodge is a five room BB with Native American-inspired decor located on the ocean at Agate Beach. Each room has one queen size bed and a gas stove or fireplace. Explore the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, collect agates on the beach at the base of our private trail, 2 mile walk to Nye Beach. Complimentary soda, water, wine and home-baked cookies will greet you. Winter special rates of 99 plus tax valid through May 31, check website for summer rates. 10 pilot discount, and we'll pick you up at KONP. Enterprise Car Rental also available. - Submitted by Doug Nebert
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Contact Information:
Email: reservations@tyeelodge.com
Phone: 541 265 8953
Airport Information:
Newport Muni (ONP)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 44-34-49.3000N
Longitude: 124-03-28.5000W
Elevation: 160
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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4925 NW Woody Way
Newport, OR
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7S5 Independence State Independence, OR
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Seattle 49 miles
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Tyee Lodge BB, Newport, OR - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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