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The Fish Tank, Shelter Cove, CA (0Q5)

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The Fish Tank

Come enjoy your favorite espresso drink and a light breakfast while spotting migrating whales, or browse the walls for a unique experience in Gyotaky by local artist Tommy York. Breakfast sandwiches, including bagels lox and an assortment of pastries. Open until 2:00 pm. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. Fri - Sat: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Sun: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. - Submitted by Mike Watson
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Phone: 707.986.7850
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Shelter Cove (0Q5)

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Latitude: 40-01-41.4000N
Longitude: 124-04-27.5000W
Elevation: 73
CTAF: 122.9

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205 Wave Dr. Suite 104
Shelter Cove, CA
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T42 Ruth Ruth, CA
Klamath Falls 43 miles
O09 Round Valley Covelo, CA
San Francisco 46 miles
O19 Kneeland Eureka, CA
Klamath Falls 48 miles
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The Fish Tank - Uploaded by Mike

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