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Historic Flight Foundation, Spokane, WA (KSFF)

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Historic Flight Foundation

Historic Flight offers a collection of the most important aircraft produced between 1927 and 1957 - all restored and airborne again. Our mission goes beyond serving as trustees of an era. We want you to experience the roar of our F8F Wampus Cat taking off. Watch engineers at work restoring the aircraft to flying condition. Share the rush of viewing international treasures from all angles. Whether you're an experienced aviator, a student of history, or a newcomer to our world, we want to spark and fuel your passion - both for aviation and for epiphanies born from hard labor. Our heroes did not leap from the bathtub shrieking, Eureka! They scrawled a sketch on a piece of paper. Got interested in an impossible challenge. And then they dove into the work. The reward? Innovation that astonished both them and us, and that continues to change our world. - Submitted by Liz Matzelle
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Email: visitorservices@historicflight.org
Phone: (509) 535-6000
Airport Information:
Felts Field (SFF)

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Latitude: 47-40-58.6000N
Longitude: 117-19-20.7000W
Elevation: 1956
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A1+
CTAF: 132.5
Unicom: 122.95

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5829 East Rutter Ave.
Spokane, WA
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Historic Flight Foundation - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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