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Sunset Grill, Three Lakes, WI (40D)

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Sunset Grill

Sunset Grill at the end of the grass strip, great burgers. Located on Big Stone Lake. Excellent food. Breakfast. Park the airplane at the end of the runway Northeast and walk across the road. There is also a campground next to the runway to the South. Also seaplanes come in. Check for hours. - Submitted by jon
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Contact Information:
Email: southshoreah1@frontier.com
Phone: 715-546-8383
Airport Information:
Three Lakes Muni (40D)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 45-47-24.8460N
Longitude: 089-07-15.4510W
Elevation: 1636
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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1036 Hwy 32 South
Three Lakes, WI
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Sunset Grill - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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