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Central County Airport, Iola, WI (68C)

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Central County Airport

Grassroots flying at its best! Located in beautiful central Wisconsin Waupaca County, Iola airport is a haven for recreational flying and sport aviation fellowship. Lunch served every Friday of the year. - Submitted by Mat Klatt
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Central County (68C)

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Latitude: 44-30-19.9320N
Longitude: 089-01-30.3940W
Elevation: 876
CTAF: 122.9

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Iola, WI
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Green Bay 41 miles
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Green Bay 41 miles
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Green Bay 41 miles
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Chicago 43 miles
GRB Green Bay-Austin Straubel Intl Green Bay, WI
Green Bay 44 miles
AIG Langlade County Antigo, WI
Green Bay 45 miles
7P5 Piso Suring, WI
Green Bay 49 miles
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