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EAA 38 Breakfast Buffet, Warner Robins, GA (5A2)

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EAA 38 Breakfast Buffet

Chapter 38, EAA holds a breakfast buffet every 4th Saturday of the month except December. Breakfast 9:00 AM in Hangar 38 on the Airpark strip. Turf runway, 2833x130, CTAF 122.9. Fly-in guests are always welcome! Please call or email to confirm before coming out. - Submitted by Don Hall
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Email: don@donhallwr.com
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Warner Robins Air Park (5A2)

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Latitude: 32-33-38.3000N
Longitude: 083-40-36.3000W
Elevation: 409
CTAF: 122.9

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Airpark Drive
Warner Robins, GA
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10/15/2014 - October's event10-25-2014 will be our annual Fall picnic and cookout. This year's event will be held at Cameron Field, GAS81. Young Eagle flights start at 10:00am and lunch will be served at noon. - Submitted by Alex Bell

11/24/2012 - Great group of people, see their web site 38.eaachapter.org. The best breakfast in the state! - Submitted by Mike Curington
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Atlanta 19 miles
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Atlanta 24 miles
48A Cochran Cochran, GA
Atlanta 26 miles
53A Dr C P Savage Sr. Montezuma, GA
Atlanta 26 miles
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Atlanta 33 miles
EZM Heart Of Georgia Rgnl Eastman, GA
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Atlanta 40 miles
ACJ Jimmy Carter Rgnl Americus, GA
Atlanta 43 miles
OPN Thomaston-Upson County Thomaston, GA
Atlanta 44 miles
MLJ Baldwin County Milledgeville, GA
Atlanta 48 miles
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EAA 38 Breakfast Buffet - Uploaded by Perry Melvin

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