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Discovery Bay at Norwalk Landing, Shell Knob, MO

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Discovery Bay at Norwalk Landing

2300' Asphalt strip...south to north, lake lots and hangar lots and hangar lots available for sale....boat slips for sale...water and sewer and underground elec in....10 miles from Shell Knob, Missouri or two miles north of Campbell Point Marina...just east of mile marker 20 on Table Rock Lake. Mobile phone 605-366-5447 .... or 479-981-6462 Eric...Waiting on FAA Approval.......N 36* 36.507 W 93*36.311 - Submitted by Ralph Lemme
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Contact Information:
Email: rtlemme@aol.com
Phone: 479-253-9039
Location: Norwalk Landing
Discovery Bay Drive
Shell Knob, MO
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Discovery Bay at Norwalk Landing - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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