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Madeline Island, Wisconsin, La Pointe, WI (4R5)

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Madeline Island, Wisconsin

Madeline Island is a very pretty little Island. One of the Lake Superior Apostle Islands. beautiful clear water. Nice little airfield. The place we ate at came and got us from the airport and brought us back. - Super fun little place to go. Quick trip from Duluth Sky Harbor airfield. - Submitted by Mitch
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Phone: 715-747-2785
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Major Gilbert Field (4R5)

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Latitude: 46-47-19.2000N
Longitude: 090-45-31.4000W
Elevation: 648
CTAF: 122.9

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La Pointe, WI
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7/16/2017 - My wife and I were greeted by Mack at the FBO where she provided good local advice for eating etc helped us a pair of loaner bikes for the 1.5+ mile ride into town it's very walkable. The runway is in good condition. Be careful when arriving and departing - we waited for 5 aircraft to land before there was enough of a gap to depart ahead of the next incoming plane. There's several good choices for lunch and we enjoyed ice cream on the way back to the airport. The marina is interesting to walk through. We will definitely be back with friends! - Submitted by rbajema
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
ASX John F Kennedy Memorial Ashland, WI
Green Bay 18 miles
IWD Gogebic-Iron County Ironwood, MI
Green Bay 35 miles
Y77 Bayfield County Iron River, WI
Green Bay 36 miles
BFW Silver Bay Muni Silver Bay, MN
Green Bay 44 miles
5G4 Eau Claire Lakes Drummond, WI
Green Bay 46 miles
3CU Cable Union Cable, WI
Green Bay 47 miles
TWM Richard B Helgeson Two Harbors, MN
Green Bay 50 miles
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Madeline Island, Wisconsin - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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