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Warsaw and Winona Lake: The Village at Winona, Warsaw, IN (ASW)

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Warsaw and Winona Lake: The Village at Winona

Fly into one of the nicest airport layouts in Indiana for a town this size and have lunch at the Boathouse Restaurant, using the courtesy car available at this impressive airport. When I flew in, the mayor of the city of Warsaw was hanging out in the airport lobby.

The Village at Winona features music concerts on the Lake, Bed and Breakfasts, Art Shops, Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Spa, Collectable Shops, Gift Shops and more...all with views or within walking distance of the Lake Side Park. It was enjoyable in Winter...but plan to enjoy it even more in summer. Russ Kaspar. - Submitted by Russ Kaspar
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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Email: info@villageatwinona.com
Phone: (574) 268-9888
Airport Information:
Warsaw Muni (ASW)

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Latitude: 41-16-28.9000N
Longitude: 085-50-24.2000W
Elevation: 849
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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901 East Canal
Warsaw, IN
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The Village at Winona - Uploaded by Dave

- Uploaded by Dave

- Uploaded by Dave

- Uploaded by Dave

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